Sheet Pile


Steel sheet piles are long structural sections with a vertical interlocking system that creates a continuous wall. The walling is widely constructed to retain either soil or water in a particular portion or side. The capacity of the sheet pile to perform is dependent upon its geometry and the soil where is it piled.

High Quality

Long-Lasting Durability

High Impact Resistance


Steel sheet piles that are widely used in the construction of river embankments, quay walls of ports, retaining walls, cut-off walls, earthquake strengthening structures, and in many other types of construction work are becoming increasingly important.

There are temporary and permanent applications of sheet pile. While permanent applications would serve as a permanent barrier or retaining mechanism, the temporary application, on the other side, is designed to provide safe access for construction and then later remove.

Sheet piles need to be of high quality so to assure that the walling is firm and can withstand with various intensity of forces. Power steel is one of the most trusted the supplier of sheet piles in the Philippines, especially for multi-national companies, government infrastructures, among others.


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